Solar power is an environmental choice for our lifestyle and our future. Entering the renewable age as responsible Australians, we have the natural, renewable resources to assist in providing our family power needs while dramatically reducing our power bills. At the same time, we can play our part in lowering our carbon footprint and moving towards a greener future. The time to act is now.
A natural resource to be used
Your solar system consists of two parts — solar panels on your roof and an inverter positioned at the side of your house or business, or in your garage. The solar panels collect the sun’s energy during the day. The inverter converts the sun’s free energy from DC power to AC power to supply your electricity needs. Any excess that is not used is sent back into the power grid, which may be used to further reduce your power bill, through your feed in tariff.
The cost benefit to you
Changing over to solar power will substantially reduce your power costs. How much? SolarGrid can advise you on what the overall cost benefit to you is likely to be. Power bills have risen dramatically in recent times and will continue to escalate. More and more Australians are discovering how power bills can be slashed by using solar power. It’s an investment in lowering your power costs now and in the future.
Government incentives
Government incentives may be available to you to help offset the costs of installing your solar power system. You may also be able to sell your excess power back to the grid and receive credits on your power bills. The guidelines relating to government benefits can be quite complex and are subject to change. SolarGrid can advise you on what government incentives may be currently available for your specific circumstances and how to go about claiming them.